Wednesday, June 19, 2013

If there is no struggle, there is no progress. - Frederick Douglass

I recently read in a photo blog that it was important to look back on your progress to see how you have changed as a photographer.  So I dug around little; and this is what I found. On the left is a photo that I took a few weeks ago, and on the right is the first senior session that I took back in 2009.  It's kind of funny to see how a person can progress through taking pictures even over a few years. Each one different in their own way, and each one representing a solidified moment that someone will remember for many more years. I look back on my progress and have to chuckle, because even though I still may not be where I would like to be, I still have along way to go.  Each step that I have taken I have learned some little piece of something along the way.