A few days ago I read this article, and it got me thinking about several things. Now that I am sitting around the house without my creative outlet, this opportunity has given me more than ample amount of time to think. Sure, I can still take pictures with the numerous cameras that I have, and hang on to them for when I can get this operation going again. BUT....This is where I have had the extra time to think about the above article. Is there any truth to it? To back-pedal just a bit, I had a computer crash about six months ago, leaving me with no reliable computer, nor my Creative Suite. Several days ago, I placed the order for a new computer (several thousand dollars later), and now all I need is my Creative Suite 5. (I can almost taste it, as I sit here a listen to my fingers rattle on the keyboard).
Anyway.....back to the article - After reading this I began to question a few things, such as the pictures that I take. What will happen if I choose not to change with the times? And even if I did change with the times, would I still survive? My point is, that me personally could care less if any picture that I view is digital, film, edited, or not. I simply like looking at others work, no matter the source. I really could care less if I made thousands of dollars every month taking pictures. I like what I do, and I enjoy the learning process. I still to this day can look at Ansel Adams pictures all day long, and never miss a point to say Oooo - Ahhhh, even If I have already seen it. So to answer the question of the article, I will still continue to learn, and I will continue to teach myself more of what I want to understand, I probably will never make a million dollars doing this but I like the process.
-Are you ready to jump in and give things a try? Are you willing to test to find out what works and what doesn’t?-
Yes I am, but I don't need a huge following while I do it, nor would I expect national recognition, nor to photograph the Kardashian's. I just would like the opportunity to be inspired, and to inspire others. Whether that be looking at someones else's work, creating my own, or sitting in a public place saying quietly to myself "that would make a great photograph!"
So I leave you with this:
I never set out to change the world, I only hope that I can inspire someone who will...
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